The Benefits of Quitting Social Media

Issue #153

Your weekly roundup of insights and resources to help you get more done for the glory of God.

Read on the Web

In Today’s Issue:

  • Update on My Quitting Social Media
  • Perfectionism, Productivity, & the Idol of Competence
  • Hope in Christ When Work Feels Meaningless
  • A Christian's Perspective on Apple Vision Pro
  • Omnivore: A New Read-Later App

Dear steward,

One of my goals this year has been to reduce my screen time.

​Quitting social media​ at the end of last year was a big step in that direction. It's now been two months, and I wanted to share some of the benefits I've been seeing from this reduction in phone screen time:

  • Increase in time spent reading books
  • More quality time with the kids
  • Feeling less anxious, less busy overall
  • I'm writing much more
  • More consistency in daily Bible reading
  • Praying more throughout the day

I'm not suggesting that reducing screen time is a panacea for all life's problems or a shortcut to sanctification. But I can tell you from experience that not having instant access to the dopamine slot machine has forced me to pursue the things I value with greater focus and consistency.

While I expected it would have positive results, I've been blown away by just how positive the results have been. The prayer thing was the biggest surprise. But it makes sense in hindsight. We use our phones to fill the gaps in life, but without the gaps, when will we pause to pray? Boredom is a blessing, not an enemy to be eradicated by constant entertainment.

And it seems my results are not unique. Many of you have written to me to share your experiences with quitting social media or reducing phone time. Your responses have been universally positive. I am sure there are outliers, but I have yet to meet anyone who has regretted leaving social media or reducing their phone time.

As I took pains to express in my original article on quitting social media, I do not intend to suggest that every believer must quit social media or forego their phone. Not everyone has the same struggles with these things, after all. But might I gently suggest that if you're finding that your phone usage has an inverse correlation to your becoming the person God created you to be, perhaps at least some change may be in order?

As simple as it sounds, reducing your phone usage might be the catalyst you've been looking for. It has been for me.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,”
Hebrews 12:1


On Redeeming Productivity

The Idol of Competence (6 mins)

Productivity and perfectionism like to travel together. That's often because something deeper is going on in our hearts. When you idolize competence, productivity becomes like a drug.


The best links I found this week

The Hope We Have in Christ When Work Feels Meaningless (4 mins)

Greg Ayers / Institute for Faith, Work, & Economics

This is an encouraging word for those struggling to find meaning in their job.

One of the most evident reasons why we should see work as an arena for sanctification is that this is where many of us spend most of the hours of our week, and our work is one context where our character is on display and where it is tested. Our transformation by the Spirit is vital for this domain.

Like an iPhone, Only Much More So (7 mins)

Tim Challies

I appreciated Tim's wise and measured thoughts on the Apple Vision Pro and what it may mean for us.

And so, at the dawn of a new technology—a new category of technology—I am reminded that one of the best things any of us can do is to embrace new technology thoughtfully rather than naively and with a thorough examination of its inevitable drawbacks rather than a brief skim of all its great promises.

A New, Free Read-It-Later App (5 mins)

Matt Birchler / The Sweet Setup

Here's a read-it-later app you might want to check out. This review gives the full rundown of the features that set Omnivore apart.

Omnivore is one of the newest, and probably one of the most underrated read-it-later services out there. Many of us know about Pocket, Instapaper, Matter, and Readwise Reader, but Omnivore deserves to be in the conversation as well, as it does quite a few things very well, and even better than the rest in some cases. And it does all this completely for free.

I plan to stick with Readwise Reader, but this Omnivore might fit the bill for your needs.


Knowing God

I'm re-reading J.I. Packer's classic, Knowing God, with a group at church. And I had forgotten just how wonderful this book is.

Knowing God was foundational for me when I was a young man seeking to grow in my faith. It’s a book all about who God is, His character, and His attributes. It's hard to make it through a single page without being stirred to awe and worship.

I cannot recommend this book enough!



Quote of the Week

"The Christian’s motto should not be ‘Let go and let God’ but ‘Trust God and get going.’”

J.I. Packer


Thanks for reading!

That's all for this week. If you're getting value from these emails, please consider forwarding them to a friend!

I'll see you next Thursday.

Reagan Rose

P.S. I'll be attending Shepherd's Conference in a couple of weeks. I'd love to meet you if you're also planning to be there! Reply to this email and we can set something up.

Reagan Rose

I talk about personal productivity from a Christian perspective. Creator of ​Redeeming Productivity​.

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