Reagan's Roundup #181

Issue #181

Your weekly roundup of insights and resources to help you get more done for the glory of God.

Read on the Web

In Today’s Issue:

  • Fall Habit Reset
  • It Takes Years to Grow
  • The Dutiful Introvert
  • Is It Okay to Seek Heavenly Rewards?
  • An App for Taming Your Email Inbox

Dear steward,

Are you experiencing any of these symptoms?

  • Habits are out of whack (especially spiritual disciplines)
  • Lack of clarity about what you should be focused on
  • A general sense of overwhelm

Well, you may be suffering from the September Slump.

As Summer comes to a close, it’s easy to get caught flat-footed by the start of the school year, increased busyness at work, and the looming end of the year. Life accelerates this time of year.

But I’ll tell you a secret: If you can get your feet back under you, these final months of the year can be some of the most exciting times for growth.

I’d like to help. On Friday, September 20th, I’ll be hosting my annual Post-Summer Productivity Reset webinar. It’s completely free, and is designed to help you break out of the September Slump by recovering a right mindset for God-glorifying work, resetting your spiritual disciplines, and clarifying goals and priorities so you can finish 2024 strong.

The event is free, but you do need to register to save your spot. Hope to see you there!


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The best links I found this week

It Takes Years to Grow (3 mins)

Darryl Dash / Dash House

I appreciated this reflection on the fact and beauty of slow growth. So often, productivity-minded believers want change, and we want it now! But God isn’t in a rush.

We think transformation will be quick, and sometimes it is. But generally speaking, God isn’t in a rush. There’s a certain kind of holiness and beauty that develops only after decades of walking with God. You can’t microwave it. But when you see it, it’s a beautiful thing.

The Dutiful Introvert (5 mins)

Tim Challies

Man, this was convicting.

As an introvert myself, I have often used my personality as an excuse to avoid things I ought to do. But as Tim Challies shows, the solution isn’t to pretend to be something you’re not but rather, at times, to choose to embrace sacrificial duty.

A dutiful introvert is one who acknowledges and accepts what is true about himself but also determines he will never let it interfere with his duty before the Lord. He will not pretend he is an extrovert or stop valuing times of solitude, but he will also not allow his personality to excuse any failure to fulfill the opportunities God presents to him.

Is It Okay to Seek Heavenly Rewards? (6 mins)

Greg Koukl & Amy Hall / Stand to Reason

This was a very good discussion on why being motivated by heavenly reward is not a bad or selfish thing.

In my opinion, modern Christians suffer from a motivation problem precisely because the biblical promise of heavenly reward for our fruitfulness in good works has been de-emphasized in the church today. If we could get this right, we’d see many more believers embracing God-glorifying productivity.



If you struggle with keeping up with email, I’ve got a tool you might like.

So, I’ve been messing around with SaneBox, an email management service that claims it can save you 3-4 hours weekly on email and has a ton of interesting features.

  • Auto-sort incoming emails based on importance
  • Never want to hear from a sender again? Just send them to the blackhole folder.
  • Snooze emails for later.
  • Set reminders to follow up with people if you don’t get a reply by a certain date.

Plus, there is a bunch of other cool stuff. If you’re trying to tame your inbox, give Sanebox a try.


On Redeeming Productivity

5 Keys to Faithful Time Stewardship (7 mins)

Here are five simple strategies for getting more done for the glory of God. You can read, listen, or watch on YouTube.



Quote of the Week

“If God be not enough for you, you will never have enough. Turn to him more, and know him better, if you would have a satisfied mind."

Richard Baxter


Thanks for reading!

By the way, I was on the Faithful with a Little podcast this week, discussing Christian productivity and writing a “well done” statement for your life. Click that link if you’d like to listen to our conversation.

For His glory,

Reagan Rose

Reagan Rose

I talk about personal productivity from a Christian perspective. Creator of ​Redeeming Productivity​.

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