My Quarterly Goal-Setting Process

In Today’s Issue:

  • A Step-by-Step Guide to Planning the Next 3 Months
  • Four Lessons Against Laziness
  • Are Contentment and Ambition Enemies?
  • A Weekly Schedule Case Study
  • My Book on Sale

Dear steward,

I was glad that so many of you could join us live or watch the replay of our Post-Summer Productivity Reset last week. If you haven't seen it yet, the recording is still available here.

I realized this morning when I looked at my calendar that, technically it wasn't "post-summer" when we hosted that event. Today, in fact, is the last day of summer.

How on earth did summer end so fast?

In truth, however, I'm not that upset about it. I love the Autumn in Michigan. We're already seeing the first signs of the leaves turning, and even though it's 81 degrees today, I'm busting out my fall sweaters and planning to take the family apple-picking tomorrow to kick the season off right.

But the changing seasons is also a good reminder that with September nearly over, that means we’ll be 75% through 2023 at the end of this month.

But don't freak out.

Because the good news is that we have one more quarter of the year left. Plenty of time to tackle one more big goal for the glory of God!

And in today's essay, I go waaay in-depth on how you can set an achievable three-month God-glorifying goal so you end your year with a big win.

My Quarterly Goal-Setting Process

This is the exact process we follow in the Redeeming Productivity Academy to help members set and reach God-glorifying quarterly goals.

By the way, our Q4 Planning Event is happening next Tuesday, the 26th at 12 pm ET. This event is for Academy members only.

So if you want help getting clarity on your goal, breaking it down into an actionable plan, and then receiving support and accountability to help you reach the goal, make sure you join Redeeming Productivity Academy before next Tuesday!

Reagan’s Roundup

Get Behind Me, Sluggard: Four Lessons Against Laziness (7 mins)

Scott Hubbard / Desiring God

I found this one to be both convicting and encouraging.

“In Christ, whatever we do holds spiritual significance, from secret prayer to rising at our alarm, from fellowship to doubling down on our work. We live and labor before the eyes of our good Lord Jesus. His kingdom calls us. His Spirit fills us. His promises empower us. And his strength compels us to daily lay the sluggard to rest.”

Contentment doesn’t mean you must stay in the same circumstance forever (3 mins)

Simon van Bruchem / Written for Our Instruction

This is a conundrum any productivity-minded believer will face: Ambition vs. contentment. I thought van Bruchem gave a great answer to it.

“This raises a logical question for us: does this mean it is wrong for Christians to try to change their circumstances? Is it wrong to be ambitious and to make major life changes? After all, if we are to content with what we have, surely what we have should be sufficient!”

Weekly Schedule for a Father of Three (3 mins)

Matt Ragland

I always like seeing how other people schedule their time. But often, in the world of online productivity, the schedules you see are from single people with a whole lot more time on their hands than most of us have.

I liked seeing Matt's schedule because he's in a similar life stage as myself and yet seems to have found a pretty good balance through time blocking his weeks.

"I have 3 kids, a full-time job, workout 4x per week, coach baseball, volunteer at church, and spend the majority of my weekend time with my family."

Quote of the Week

"Time, like an ever-rolling stream,
Bears all its sons away;
They fly forgotten, as a dream
Dies at the opening day.
"Our God, our help in ages past,
Our hope for years to come,
Be thou our guard while troubles last,
And our eternal home."

– Isaac Watts, Our God, Our Help in Ages Past

Final Word

Thanks for reading!

– Reagan Rose

P.S. My book, Redeeming Productivity: Getting More Done for the Glory of God, is currently 30% off the regular until the end of the month on the Moody Publishers website.

So, if you've been considering picking up a copy, this is the best price I've seen it at in a while—$3 cheaper than Amazon currently.

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