Making the Most of 2024

Issue #144

Your weekly roundup of insights and resources to help you become a more productive Christian.

Read on the Web

In Today’s Issue:

  • Annual Planning Workshop Recording
  • Apple's New, Free Journaling App
  • Dismantling the Technopoly
  • Productivity & Christian Men
  • Changes to Redeeming Productivity Academy

Dear steward,

Wishing you a very merry Christmas!

Last Friday, we held our annual Plan Your 2024 for the Glory of God workshop. And it was our biggest turnout ever, with over 800 people registering and 353 participants able to join us live!

Thank you to everyone who was able to join us. I pray it will bless you as you seek to honor the Lord with your time in the New Year.

If you missed the presentation, you can still watch (or listen to) the recording and download the workbook here:

Plan Your 2024 for the Glory of God

At the end of the call, I made a few announcements about our Redeeming Productivity Academy membership program that aren’t in the recording.

  1. New course: Optimize Your Week. I just released our seventh full-featured productivity course. Right now, it’s available exclusively as part of an Academy membership. In it, you’ll learn a step-by-step plan for creating an ideal weekly schedule that allows you to plan according to your priorities.
  2. Signed copy of my book. On the call, I said anyone who purchased an annual RPA subscription before that day's end would get a signed copy of my book, Redeeming Productivity. Well, I’ve decided to expand that offer to include anyone who signs up for or upgrades to an annual membership before January 1st (must be a U.S. shipping address).
  3. Price change. The price of Redeeming Productivity Academy is going up on January 1st from $29/month to $35/month. But we never raise the price for existing members. So join before the 1st to lock in the lowest price it will ever be.

Learn more about the Academy.

Now, let's jump into the roundup!


The best links I found this week

Apple’s Free Journaling App (2 mins)

As part of iOS 17.2, Apple has now bundled a free DayOne-like journaling app.

What makes it unique is that it can prompt you to create journal entries based on suggestions from things like exercise tracked on the phone, photos, or other events. And these things are then tied to the journal entry.

It’s Time to Dismantle the Technopoly (9 mins)

Cal Newport / The New Yorker

As the world wakes up to more and more of the problems ubiquitous social media use has created, it’s easy to feel like we only have two options: Either we go all in and embrace all new tech as good, or we opt out and join the local Amish community. But Cal Newport suggests that instead of techno-optimism or techno-skepticism, we can take a more discerning route regarding technology.

Techno-selectionists believe that we should continue to encourage and reward people who experiment with what comes next. But they also know that some experiments end up causing more bad than good. Techno-selectionists can be enthusiastic about artificial intelligence, say, while also taking a strong stance on settings where we should block its use. They can marvel at the benefits of the social Internet without surrendering their kids’ mental lives to TikTok.

Why Christian Men Need to Get Serious About Productivity (43 mins)

Spotify | Apple Podcasts

I was on the Strong Courageous Men Podcast this week, talking about why Christian men especially need to take the call to productivity seriously. I think you’ll find this conversation both challenging and encouraging.


Redeeming Productivity Academy

Want to grow in God-honoring productivity in 2024?

Become a member and get access to 7 complete courses, live workshops, our Christian productivity community, and much more.

Join Redeeming Productivity Academy before the end of the year to lock in the lowest price it will ever be.

Make 2024 your most productive and God-glorifying year yet!



Quote of the Week

“When your will is God's will, you will have your will.”

Charles Spurgeon


Thanks for reading!

Just want to say how much I appreciate you subscribing and reading this newsletter. It's a blessing to get to write these for you each week.

As always, hit reply if you'd like to drop me a note. Love hearing from readers!

For His glory,

Reagan Rose

Reagan Rose

I talk about personal productivity from a Christian perspective. Creator of ​Redeeming Productivity​.

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I'm always testing productivity methods to try and get an edge, and I've discovered what works and what doesn't. This list is my roundup of some of the products and services I've personally found most useful for saving me time, helping me focus, and making me more productive.
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