Can You Be Too Productive?

Issue #148

Your weekly roundup of insights and resources to help you become a more productive Christian.

Read on the Web

In Today’s Issue:

  • Can You Be Too Productive?
  • One Simple Productivity Gadget I Love
  • Notion Calendar Launches
  • 3 Habits I Broke When I Quit Instagram
  • A Puritan Readings Podcast

Dear steward,

I’ve been interviewed on probably over 100 podcasts in the past three years, and I cannot remember a time when a host has not asked me some version of “How much productivity is too much?” or “Can a believer be too productive?”

There seems to be a tension in the way people view productivity these days. On the one side, there is the push to do more, be more efficient, work harder. But in the last few years, another view has grown in popularity. On this side is the pull to slow down, do less, and get more rest.

This push and pull is often cast as a binary choice between the path of burnout or the path of laziness. Classic productivity gets pejoratively labeled “hustle culture,” and those calling us to slow down get called “the anti-productivity movement.”

Today I wrote an article trying to answer the question: Can you be too productive?



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So if you want to read more in 2024, you've got to check out Shortform.

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On Redeeming Productivity

Can You Be Too Productive? (5 mins)

The solution to burnout isn't to give up on productivity but rather to change the way you view productivity.

This Productivity Gadget Is a Game-Changer (5 mins)

With all the fancy apps out there, a simple kitchen timer is still one of my favorite tools in my productivity arsenal. In this video, I share the why and how of using a physical timer to get more done.


The best links I found this week

Notion Calendar Launches (3 mins)

Raphael Schaad / Notion

It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of the productivity app Notion. I basically run my entire life in it. So I was very excited yesterday when they launched Notion Calendar, a complimentary app that integrates with Notion.

It’s a great calendar app in its own right, but what really puts it over the top is it can now deeply integrate with your Notion databases.

For example, I've set up my calendar so I now see my Notion daily planner and content calendar right alongside my appointments. And I can jump into those Notion pages right from my calendar.

Oh, and the best part? It’s free.

3 Bad Habits I Broke When I Quit Instagram (4 mins)

Mystie Winckler / The Federalist

Based on the emails I’ve been receiving from you guys, many of you found my article & video on why I quit social media to be helpful.

So I thought you might appreciate another perspective on quitting social media. This one comes from Mystie, who quit Instagram three years ago. She reflects on the knock-on benefits that small change has produced in her life.

Ever since leaving Instagram, I love how normal I feel in and about my real life. If I have something to say, I send a message to my husband or a friend. I take notes and flesh my thoughts out, processing and developing them into something long-form and more lasting, rather than getting the quick fix of instant acclimation for my own sound bite.

Mystie is awesome, by the way. She runs a homemaker mentoring program called Simply Convivial you should check out, and is also a member of our Academy :)

Gospel Adorned: A New Podcast of Puritan Readings

Gospel meditations and excerpts from the Puritans and the old writers, to deepen your love for Christ Jesus and adorn the doctrines of God.

I know you’ll enjoy these short readings set to beautiful music. It's a great addition to your podcast lineup.



Quote of the Week

The best way to overcome the world is not with morality or self-discipline. Christians overcome the world by seeing the beauty and excellence of Christ. They overcome the world by seeing something more attractive than the world: Christ

Thomas Chalmers


Thanks for reading!

P.S. I have a new course available. It's called Optimize Your Week. For a limited time, you can get it for 38% off if you use the code "IDEALWEEK" at checkout.

It's also available (along with all our other courses) as part of a Redeeming Productivity Academy membership.

Reagan Rose

I talk about personal productivity from a Christian perspective. Creator of ​Redeeming Productivity​.

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